og体育首页ONE Subscription License

You can use items downloaded from og体育首页ONE by Templateog体育首页 to create final products for you or your clients. When your og体育首页ONE subscription license is terminated, you will no longer be allowed to use downloaded items for new projects, however already created websites will be active even if you cancel the subscription.

og体育首页ONE Subscription License Product Types

og体育首页ONE subscription license works as follows when you download an item, you can use it in one project or one end product; if you want to use the same product in another project, you need to redownload it. All items are backed by one license and are released under equal terms.

License TypeAvailable for ReuseNumber of product uses/projectsLowest PriceHighest Price
Unlimited LicenseNoUnlimited$89$849

Unlimited License

All og体育首页ONE items are released under equal terms. The only limitations available are listed below. Using digital products from og体育首页ONE, you can build an unlimited number of end products in a multitude of niches, both online and offline. The offline use may include printed end products that you create for yourself or your client. In terms of physical end products, you’re not allowed to use og体育首页ONE assets for SAAS platforms or print-on-demand services. Below you can learn about the limitations and possibilities of this license.

What you can do:

  • use the item as a part of the end-product;
  • use any number of items provided within the license for creating end-products, as long as you’re following the terms of use.

What you can’t do:

  • share or distribute the products, their parts as they are, as a stock, as a template, as a part of a template, as a service or package;
  • use og体育首页ONE items for on-demand or SAAS platforms;
  • resell items downloaded from og体育首页ONE;
  • claim your rights or trademark for any of the items provided within og体育首页ONE subscription.

og体育首页ONE Subscription License FAQ

Can I use og体育首页ONE product for a print-on-demand service?

No, you can’t, though you can use any og体育首页ONE product to create an unlimited number of final products for yourself or your clients.

How many end products can I build using og体育首页ONE product?

A downloaded item equals one end product, and if you want to use the same item for another product, you need to redownload it. Initially, you can create unlimited final products utilizing any product from og体育首页ONE membership.

I want to create packaging for my product. Does og体育首页ONE subscription license allow that?

Yes, you can create packaging for as many products as you can.

Does og体育首页ONE subscription license allow using fonts for web use?

Yes, feel free to add downloaded fonts to your website.